Avoid the 2-hour version "War Fighter"
21 September 2009
Not having seen the full-length miniseries I can not comment on the merits of the original version, but the 2-hour version sold under the title "War Fighter" on DVD is really not worth the money you might spend on it... even if it's sold out of the bargain bin...

The biggest flaw is the random editing - e.g. people who are in one place one second, all of a sudden show up in a completely different place the next moment; many scenes are non-coherent, with a little side-storyline being set up, then abandoned immediately.

Assuming that the acting and FX do not miraculously improve in the miniseries version, the characters' motivations do not make a lot more sense (Why do the "bad guys" stand cheering in a line to be gunned down by machine gun fire at one point of the movie?) and the mysterious lone soldier (Shah) continues to do a poor people's Steven Seagal-impersonation (wooden acting and spouting pseudo-philosophical platitudes), I think I'll pass on the long version.
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