Tedious and plodding
20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This documentary was only two hours long, but it felt much longer.

I think the main issue was the uninspired narration. I don't need a flashy voice over for my documentaries, but I do enjoy a narrator who doesn't sound bored out her mind.

I appreciated all of the early footage of Garbo from before she came to America. I had seen some of it before, but a lot of it was new to me.

Once the focus of the documentary turned to Garbo's life in America, I felt the pace slowed down even more. Many of the film clips shown were much too long. Instead of demonstrating a particular point that the narration made, many of them just seemed to be filler.

While this documentary had its good points, for the most part it is much too long and much too dull.
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