The Real Da Vinci Code (2005 TV Movie)
Some errors
18 September 2009
The bread depicted in the show's enactment of the Last Supper is clearly leavened bread. However, the Last Supper is known to have been a Passover Seder, an ancient ceremony commemorating the Exodus, at which only unleavened bread is allowed by ancient Jewish law. Jesus the man was a devout Jew, believed to have been influenced by an ascetic sect known as the Essenes. His action at the Temple with the money changers demonstrated his belief that the official Jewish religion, run by the priestly caste, had drifted too far from God's commandments and was corrupt. The wafers used at the Eucharist are made of unleavened bread.

Seder meal tradition, handed down in age-old eastern European Jewish (Ashkenazi) custom, includes a decorated wine cup (often silver) used in the Seder service. The engravings on the cup typically are Jewish symbols, such as the Star of David. If the cup used at the Last Supper was so decorated, the later Church as it evolved from the original disciples, was antithetical to the Jewish religion. If the Seder cup was the Grail, wouldn't it have been likely that the Church did not want an object with Jewish symbols reminding their congregants that the original church came from a Jewish sect? Again, if the Grail was a Seder cup, it would not likely to have been jewel encrusted. That is not the tradition passed down in Jewish custom as I have seen it. Furthermore, Jesus did not approve of individual wealth. He would rather that individual wealth go to charity than to purchasing jewels.

IMDb has no writer listed for this program except that Dan Brown is listed under that category with the word "novel" next to his name. The television program itself does have a writer listed at the end of the program among titles that are quickly displayed as Tony Robinson is talking. A separate researcher is also listed.
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