Great story, but needed to be longer
16 September 2009
This is about the only Christmas special that grasped my heart. But after watching Disney's Bambi and reading Felix Saltens original novel of Bambi. I noticed how for apart they were but how great Disney made the film. Most story books(Shrek, Pinnochio, etc.) have more story and random adventures that all can't be fit in. What does Disney do? He crops the story down a little to a (in respect) animated film. Looking at Nestor's special, I have to say they achieved the same thing Disney did, but there needs to be a bit more of the story. The rest of feature all depends on the "what-ifs" and "fanfic"(stories written by fans). Rankin/Bass did do a good job. But Nestor should have had a longer special to answer the questions we ask. "Why did he go back in the end" "Did Tilly purposely fall off the cloud?"
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