Good Story
15 September 2009
Max (West) a computer security installer gets telephone messages telling him when to play blackjack at a casino and wins. The messages keep coming everywhere he goes. Who is sending these messages? The casino and the FBI are concerned. The previous recipients of those messages have all died. Max is concerned too.

This movie is like War Games 1, and EagleEye. Very good, suspenseful, keeps you guessing and moves at a good pace. The acting by all is excellent. It's a good story. Not much in the way of stunts or CGI, but it keeps you engaged.

I believe that most of you know what Echelon is all about. It's real, but in this story who is using Echelon to send the messages? Do I hear the word "conspiracy?" Inquiring minds, you see.

Now, I couldn't help noticing that Shane West bears some resemblance to the actor who played Doogie Howser (character in the TV show: Doogie Howser, MD). And, also Edward Burns does resemble Brian Williams (TV News Anchor) somewhat. If you look hard enough at someone you will see yourself in there. Try it. Got to look hard though. Of course, some make it easy to look like someone else because they do. Ha ha.

Anyway, all is good and worth the price of admission or DVD rental

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: One F-bomb was heard
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