More of the same but more
3 September 2009
The second in the Embrace the Darkness trilogy sees Jennifer now played by soft core stalwart Renee Rea, but unfortunately the story is very similar to the first film with a similar vampire couple - good guy but nasty girl. We do however get a proper vampire hunter called Van Helsing so that is a difference.

Jennifer (Renee Rea) is slowly coming to terms with her life as one of the undead. She moves into an apartment close to a night club which is owned by Jack (Tristan Coeur D'Alene) and Lizzie (Catalina Larranaga). Jack and Lizzie recognise Jennifer as being new to the vampire existence and so take her under their wing to teach her the ways of the vampire and to hone her power and skills. As in the first film, there is an old flame, Peter (Sean Vossler) who is looking for Jennifer but when his attempts to contact her fail, he teams up with vampire hunter Van Helsing (John Maryland). Meanwhile, Jack has taken a shine to Jennifer, much to the chagrin of Lizzie, who plots her revenge.

It is a pity that the writers could not have used a bit more imagination when scripting this story - it is too much like the original. On that score it is marked down but there is more sex and nudity so for that it is marked up. The acting is on a par for this type of film and the women look good with a commendation for Diana Espen for her scenes. 5 stars.
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