Review of Combat

Torchwood: Combat (2006)
Season 1, Episode 11
Between Darkness and Light
2 September 2009
While trying to catch a weevil, a savage creature that fell through rift, Jack and Toshiko lose their pray when guys with mask get him first and drive away in a wan. When next morning they find abandon warehouse where weevil was transported to, they also discover a body of a man. He was killed by a weevil, but it appears that he had other injures before he died. In the meantime Owen gets into a fight while drinking himself into oblivion. After Diane left with her plane through a rift, he couldn't ease his sorrow in any other way because he loved her. Strangely enough Gwen finds out about Owen and Diane when Toshiko accidentally mentions it. Then Jack set his plan into motion. Owen goes undercover as a rich businessmen. This episode had more violence than any other. Yes the alien creatures were wild and they killed their victims by pulling their hearts with teeth, but that does not justify their bad treatment by humans. On that I agree with Toshiko. Owen looked stupid while intoxicated and his disguise in my opinion was not successful one. Finally his confrontation with bad guys and the grin on his face was awful. He looks better when he smiles. Jack was more cleaver in this episode and he actually had a plan how to solve situation. Usually he just goes from one moment to another. And of course once more we saw his great capacity for compassion.
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