Torchwood: Greeks Bearing Gifts (2006)
Season 1, Episode 7
Dangerous alien
30 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the year 1504 a young prostitute Mary is chased into the forest by a soldier. After they argued and Mary had scratched him over his face and ran away, he takes his gun enraged set out to kill her... But they both see in the distance a bright light. Back in Torchwood Toshiko isn't so happy, when Owen yells at her. In the bar she meets a beautiful young woman Mary who ask her if she can sit next to her. At first she says that the man in the bar is annoying her, but then she admits that she knows everything about her and Torchwood. After few drinks Toshiko talks to her about Torchwood and in return beautiful blonde gives her a locket. Soon Toshiko is able to hear everybody's thoughts. The episode was very slow. Mary seemed as a dubious person. Her feelings toward Toshiko was a puzzle. Always saying her lines witty, and seemed to clever for her years I really liked Mary. Toshiko most of the time looked confused or in pain. Yes the influence of the locket was a hard burden to bear, but the scene in bed where she is half crying and half in agony was just to much and not well played. The ending was however quite the opposite from the rest of the episode. It was intense, and I really liked the moment when Mary says those few lines to Jack. Special effects were very unusual, the alien looked beautiful like a creature from a fairy tale and not a ruthless killer at all.
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