Weak Promo from MGM
29 August 2009
Every Girl's Dream (1966)

** (out of 4)

MGM co-produced this short with the National Cotton Council (?!?!) and shows us 1966's Maid of Cotton, Nancy Bernard. The young lady wins the contest, which gets her a tour of the MGM studio where she gets to see various sets including work being done by Doris Day and Rod Taylor on THE GLASS BOTTOM BOAT. The main goal of this film is to show off the film but there's also plenty of talk about the cotton in various costumes. This 9-minute short also gets two narrators, one male and one female, which I think is a first for me, which is saying something considering how many shorts I do watch. Another strange thing is that this was filmed in B&W and we have the narrators having to tell us what colors the clothes are. I really don't understand why they didn't use color but it's interesting to see the movie clips are also in B&W even though the actual movie is color.
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