Japanese director Koji Imaizumi and Filipino native Cristina Segnakan make a realistic film about tribal people.
26 August 2009
Japanese director Imaizumi Koji's film "Abong:Small home" is one of the few films which have been jointly made by Japan and Philippines. For making this film he has added some of his own life experiences by collaborating with a local person from Baguio named Cristina Segnakan. Although the funds of this film have come from Japan,it is a pure Filipino film which depicts the life in a small Filipino town.This is a film which needs to have greater audience of viewers as it is absolutely bold yet honest in its realistic depiction of tribal people.This is not at all an excuse for making an ethnocentric film as there are ample entertaining elements in the film.This is something which has been achieved by casting non professional actors in major roles.It is true that "Abong: Small home" has been shown at various film festivals but it would be incorrect to call it an absolute film festival film.It is a film which might appear slow to certain sections of viewers but dedicated viewers will be rewarded as they would get a chance to witness economic hardships faced by people who live among nature.
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