Second Sight (2007 TV Movie)
Ho Hum, the Police don't believe another psychic
24 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How many more "Psychic Isn't Believed by the Police so has to Solve the Crime by Herself" dramas does WTV need to broadcast before we stop watching? In fact, this movie isn't even isn't a really good example of this overused genre. The plot is dull, predictable and plods towards the inevitable ending where the psychic lady is rescued from the bad guy and finally the police believe her. Well, this is WTV, after all, where all the men are pigs and all the cops are unbelievably dense.

The only bright spot is the very comely Lexa Doig. Ms. Doig makes a very fetching alien from another planet but she doesn't come across as a credible lawyer. In Second Sight, either she doesn't have the range to make the transition from Science Fiction to drama or the writing isn't very good. I suspect that it's a bit of both. I know that Chick Flicks are supposed to be all about relationships but, during two hours, they could have included a few seconds of court time or executing a contract to flesh out the main character. My measure of a lawyer is whether I would want this person defending me against criminal charges in court. I wouldn't even want Lexa Doig's character to do up my mortgage. Maybe as my trophy wife, but not my lawyer.

Watch only if there's nothing better to do.
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