Prom Night (I) (2008)
The Intellectual Anti-Christ
19 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zero Stars (out of 4) By Aaron Dumont

There are and will always be mind-numbing, fatuous thrillers that come, rob a significant stash of money from sadly unsuspecting citizens and scat into obscurity. These movies suffer from:

1. By-the-numbers plot 2. Flat, ugly thrills and stale (if laughable) chills 3. Turgid, rancid dialogue

And et cetera. They are mostly regurgitated in January.

However, Prom Night (committed and schemed by Nelson McCormick) was something that I thought couldn't be achieved with idiotic thrillers. Technically, all of them are excruciating and among the worst released in quite a while, but it takes true soul, passion and heart to achieve the level of inhumanity this film has wallowed itself in. Prom Night was not just a crime, it was...unholy.

It's desecrating. In fact, now that I think of it, I may have changed my mind about all those absurd, uninspired blockbuster-thrill fare garbage that I described earlier. They are all horrid, true, but forgettable - they disgust you, but they easily leave your then-tainted imagination within a few hours' time. They are the cinematic equivalent of that troubled kid in your grade 5 class who ate juicy insects in anticipation of getting not four, but five quarters from his classmates and other young spectators.

By contrast, Prom Night is the cinematic equivalent of being attacked by a group of deranged child molesters. You are not only disgusted, but their presence grows on you well after the initial encounter. How could I let this happen/rent the movie? Why didn't I fight back/turn off the TV? What kind of people would conspire to commit such a crime/direct this type of movie?

The film follows several high school students - all of them 2D pretty girls and jocks - being chased by a rampant, murdering, masked Jonathan Schaech.

That was how far I got into the film. I walked out after 40 minutes. From then on, you're on your own. Good luck.
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