Not exactly a shining example of German cinema
12 August 2009
In the 1970s, German filmmakers - obviously inspired by the huge success of the Disney movie THE LOVE BUG - made several movies about another Beetle with extraordinary abilities. Though this one was painted yellow instead of white, and was computer-powered instead of having a magical personality. This entry in the series, SUPERBUG: SUPER AGENT, is one of the better entries of the series, though if you have seen all of the movies in this series as I have, you'll know that's not saying much.

The main problem I had with the movie was that for the most part it was boring. You would think that this super car would be prominent throughout the movie, but it's actually less prominent than you'd think. There are actually large chunks of the movie where the car is offscreen. Most of the part is focused on some unfunny gangsters up to stuff that as an adult I found both boring and confusing. I can only imagine that kids - who are the primary audience for this movie - will be in agony watching it.

When the car IS in the movie, it's kind of disappointing. There are a couple of okay slapstick fights where the car beats up some human goons, but as for the rest of the car footage, the movie strangely focuses on the car floating on water over and over and over and over and over and over again.

The movie does showcase Portugal somewhat, something I have never seen in a movie (Hollywood or otherwise) before. But overall the movie is not one I would recommend you seek out, on TV or DVD. Speaking of the (American) DVD for the movie, it uses a crummy-looking print (as they did for the other SUPERBUG movies they also released here) that is bleeped for rough language and is missing some footage I remember seeing when I watched the movie on TV years earlier.
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