One of the worse Films of all time
11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film started out with so much promise, it is a good idea for what could have been a good film, but it just got worse and worse. The story was full of holes: The treasure not found for centuries is found by the Baldwin character in minutes. ALL the mafia divers seemed to know where it was but for some reason they needed Baldwin to show them the way? The continuity errors are basically the whole film. The bit where the villains chase the Baldwin. Down the same two streets. Over and over and over… The same scenes replayed during the end fight. The mafia guys and their amazing ability to multiply. Baldwin has his leg bitten off then it regrows again The same shot appears at least 3 times to represent people being eaten. No matter how many times he gets hit in the face Baldwin has no marks on him whatsoever. The acting is truly awful although the main bad guy has a good face to play an evil bond villain. I watched this film on DVD and doubt I could even give it away now!
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