The Ant Bully (2006 Video Game)
When will we have a "straight" ant movie?
5 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
By straight I mean one that doesn't falsify the social structure of the colony. The problem with having workers fall in love with each other is #1)All workers are sterile females. #2)The whole colony is related. #3) Only queens & drones are allowed to mate. All 3 movies are good stories(though this 3rd seemed a bit redundant) but truth can be as interesting as fiction. Some potential may exist in a movie/story about a mega-sisterhood, though some individuality may be lost.But not necessarily. I liked the ants feasting on honeydew, & the caterpillars were an impressive touch in grossing Lukas out. But ants get honeydew from aphids & other smaller insects. Antz was more accurate in this respect. Ant movies have a lot of potential, without having to stretch the truth by too far. There's a lot of room for intrigue. Amazon ants invade colonies of weaker ants take the young & raise them for themselves, & make slaves of them. Ants who guard aphids have to fight off ladybugs & lacewings.

Considering what Lukas put the ants through when he was big, it's a wonder any of them warmed up to him as soon as they did.
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