Warehouse 13: Elements (2009)
Season 1, Episode 5
Worn out phrases and longing gazes
5 August 2009
The problem, as I see it, is that these writers just don't know how to tell a story. In a better show, such as The Lost Room or The X-Files, by the time these earthshaking secrets were revealed, we would have been dying to see what comes next. In this show there is no sense of mystery. There is no anticipation. There is no growing curiosity to understand how it could all tie together.

When the secrets are finally revealed, there is no sudden comprehension. Let's face it: fireworks are kind of boring if they are devoid of meaning. That's why they are set off at New Years Eve and the Fourth of July and not just any old time of year.

One of the really great moments in television was in the show Lost when we finally saw the Black Rock. Now there was a good example of setting up a sense of mystery and suspense. We kept hearing about it and wondering what it was. When we finally found out, it was an enormous shock and created an even greater sense of mystery. Warhorse 13 just doesn't have any of that; none at all. Things just happen. True, they are spectacular things, but they are basically just fireworks devoid of meaning. Gaudy special effects have been around for a long time now. They just won't win an audiences heart any more.

If you are looking for a good new Sci-Fi show (and not a SyFy...sigh...fie) anther one called Defying Gravity is infinitely better than Warhorse 13.
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