One of my least favorite episodes
4 August 2009
The movie this week is "The Robot Vs. The Aztec Mummy" and is preceded by the first episode of the "Commando Cody & the Radar Men from the Moon" serial. I LOVE MST3K with a passion but even I have to admit that this first season outing was a clunker. It has one or two good quips here and there, but the majority of the episode falls flat,sad to say. The devil dogs were memorable at least.

My Grade: D

Shout Factory DVD Extras: 15 and a half minutes of clips from MST3K's 'zero' season (when it was on KTMA); promo for this episode of MST3K & Getback.com; trailers for The Film Crew, the Secret Polliceman's Balls 3-dvd set, Mr. Mike's Mondo Video, & the Robot Vs. the Aztec Mummy
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