Harold Lloyd's An Eastern Westerner is funny from beginning to end
3 August 2009
This is yet another Harold Lloyd comedy short I watched on the Kino DVD called "The Harold Lloyd Collection". In this one, Harold is a party boy who has worked the last nerve of his father so he sends his boy out west. It's there that we meet a big bully (Noah Young) who threatens a girl he employs (Mildred Davis, later to be Mrs. Lloyd) that he'll keep her father locked up unless she agrees to marry him. Guess who comes to the rescue. I'll stop there and just say how hilarious I found the whole thing from the "shimmying" Harold does at the beginning to the chase he gets from a group of white-sheeted men who resemble a certain white supremacist group. Besides those acrobatics, there's also a funny disguise on Lloyd's part as he tries to win a card game and some mishaps with a horse that seems to win some of Davis' heart as she laughs at him sympathetically. In short, I highly recommend An Eastern Westerner.
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