Review of Home

The X-Files: Home (1996)
Season 4, Episode 2
Sick, but brilliant
16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The subject of incest is one that is truly disturbing. The practice of it is very rare now a days and can only be found in extremely isolated areas where few people live. In "Home" the corn grows high, the sun is bright and little boys play baseball in corn fields. But, excluded from this perfect, safe life is the Peacock farm. The home of three brothers-and their mother who is suppose to have been dead for ten years; but is really living under her sons' bed. The Peacock family has practiced incest for roughly three generations, and now the gene pool has become so corrupted that it has produced three individuals so grotesque that they look like monsters. The entire atmosphere of the episode is disturbing; from the scene is which their mother is giving birth to her son's child, to the part where the three inbred men beat both the sheriff and his wife to death with hand made baseball bats. What also makes this episode singular and memorable is the fact that is was completely independent of the main plot of The X-Files. There were no extra-terrestrials, and not even a glimpse of The Cigarette Smoking Man. The end of the episode is both unsettling and a clear sign that the time of the Peacock family is over.
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