Since I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, I can't really give this a fair review...but I'll try.
15 July 2009
Okay, here's the deal: I'm not a Harry Potter fan at all. I never got into the books and the first movie just bored the hell out of me. So, since I'm supposed to be reviewing every movie in 2009, I dreaded having to see this. Luckily I got it out of the way rather quickly last night at a midnight showing (the theater was filled to the brim with "Potter Nerds").

My friends dragged me to see this and I'm kind of glad they did. It wasn't a bad movie, I was just lost. I didn't understand the underlying hints, the plot, the characters, anything. And you know what? That's fine. I haven't seen the other movies, so I kind of had it coming.

I can only give this a five because from an artistic point of view it was very well done, but from a viewer's standpoint, I just wasn't satisfied. Thus, I cannot give a fair review - only and honest one. Plus, being in a theater with rabid Harry Potter fans was hilarious.
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