Ashes to Ashes (2008–2010)
A cop show with a difference
15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have only seen clips of Life on Mars and have never watched the whole series, the reason I decided to watch Ashes to Ashes is that I kept hearing about how brilliant Gene Hunt (Philip Glenister) was in Life on Mars and the clips I had seen had made me interested so I decided to watch the new series Ashes to Ashes and I loved it from the start.

The top reason being, I was brought up in the 80's and I have such fond memories of that decade because of the toys I played with, the TV shows I watched and the pop stars I would listen to so this really got my attention when I heard Ashes to Ashes would be set in the 8o's. I like how the show plays music from the 80's, they pick really good tracks that match the action on the screen.

I have to say I didn't like Alex Drake (Keeley Hawes)to start off. She was a bit of a know-it-all which got on my nerves but as the series went on, she grew on me and I really love the character now. She is my favourite in the series, she is very ballsy and isn't afraid to fight her corner. I really enjoyed watching her interacting with Gene as she, like Sam has very modern approaches and Gene compared to her is stuck in the dark ages. The chemistry between them works so well together, they have their differences of opinions but they do learn to respect one another. Philip Glenister is brilliant as Hunt, I think what I like about him is what everyone else likes about him, he is a real tough nut who gets the job done which is to get the scum off the streets and he does it his way and isn't afraid to tell it like it is. There is also a soft side that we see, only so often which shows a different side to him. It keeps the audience interested to see he is not just one thing, he has other qualities that you don't necessary think he has.

His sidekicks are just as wonderful, Ray (Dean Andrews) acts very tough and judgemental but again you see that there is a soft side that he doesn't like to show but it does come out when women are hurt in particularly but his character is not one thing, he is a mix of good and bad qualities. Chris (Marshall Lancaster) is so sweet and dumb at times, the things he comes out with are so funny and it is so nice to see the romance between him and Shaz.

I can't comment on if it is better or worse than Life on Mars, I can only say that as soon as I watched the opening minutes of the series, I was hooked and the look of the show with the actors, music, writing and direction has kept me interested and entertained throughout the two series and I'm sure the third series to come.
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