Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
X Files meets Bones meets Indiana Jones meets Twilight zone meets....
13 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
....Fringe meets Torchwood meets...er, well you get the idea. I have to admit that once I saw the previews for this show on the new SyFy (Whats with that name anyhow?) i thought it would be boring the same old same old crap that had been done a billion plus times before, but i had to give it a try anyway. I was NOT sorry. This show is awesome, and has lots of room for some really good storytelling....an entire warehouse full of storytelling. The idea is simple, there are strange/supernatural objects in the world that should not fall into the wrong hands, so what do you do with them? Store them in 'Americas Attic' AKA Warehouse 13. The two characters Bering (who is oh so very hot..Like a more kick ass-ed Scully with the appeal of Olivia Dunham of Fringe) and her unlikely partner Lattimer (unlikely agents forced to work together, sound familiar?) were very likable, Lattimer is hilarious and Bering is the by the book agent who can't believe her eyes. I was also impressed by Artie, the guy who watches the warehouse, he was a very likable and funny character. Things he said made sense to him but were funny to us cause we have no idea what he means. Also the technology, although old fashioned, awesome none the less. Some of the tech is very Cyber punk-ish and stuff I found myself saying "I want that." I will definitely be tuning every week, this warehouse will have a constant visitor....Me in case you were wondering.
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