Hot Tomorrows (1977)
Marty's First Movie and what a film!
3 July 2009
Wow! It took me 15 years to find a copy of this. I first heard of it in a movie guide in high school. Before IMDb we had to read these things for obscure films. Got my copy this year on DVD. And I am a happy cinema guy! What's the premise? A writer from the Bronx moves to LA to make it big. Over the XMAS holidays his buddy drives cross country to visit him. They go to the Paradise Lounge-where Danny Elfman and Oingo Boingo are playing music. They meet Victor Argo and Herve Villechaize and drink wine with them. Then head off to a mortuary to see a dead body. FYI-Orson Welles does the voice of the commercial for the mortuary. After some craziness the movie switches gears around 50 Mins and turns into a darker place. But I still loved the film and how easily it went from comedy to drama (the only other movie to accomplish this was Something Wild) it was great. Also Stuart Cornfeld (producer of The Fly and Zoolander) was a production assistant on this movie.

A quick trivia note is that a character is named Mikey Tandino. There is also a character in Beverly Hills Cop with this name. Same director small wonder. This film is now in my Top 10.
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