heap of bull...
4 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As some other comments show, this movie might scare you, when you're a little child. (And that is probably all that it is good for.)

However, if you're older, this movie only does one thing: suck majorly -and thereby I don't mean the acting, its soundtrack, cutting or s.th. like that. I'm simply talking about the "plot" (if you can call it that).

SPOILERS ahead ------------------------

I don't want to give any more spoilers than necessary (if after reading this, you really still want to watch this movie) but if you graduated from any school, this is just a big insult of your intelligence. When watching this, I was stunned most of the time, because what was happening was just THAT stupid.

This includes:

-the forming of UNITE (an evil UN-association)

--> we are just supposed to believe it's evil. is it even evil at all? if so: why is it evil?

-the mark of evil in the form of a tattoo

--> there is no necessity to impose this on the people, so why the hell (no pun intended) are they doing it?

-inviting Christ to your heart merely as lip service

-->because there's nothing anybody, who in this movie is considered "a real Christian", ever does, besides saying that stupid prayer. so...just say that prayer before the rapture and you're saved - no matter what?!

Thus, rating 1/10
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