Review of Deadalive

The X-Files: Deadalive (2001)
Season 8, Episode 15
...though he were dead, yet shall he live.
1 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Not the Peter Jackson directed cult zombie film of the same title. This is the second part of a decent mythology story from season 8 of The X-Files. While the episode is a followup to another episode, the two seem almost autonomous in their own respects. Deadalive begins with one of the most shocking things that any X-Files fan could ever imagine. Its so shocking and unbelievable that I personally think that no one ever really believed it and it probably even lost some of its effect. The thing I am speaking of is the funeral of Fox Mulder. Kersh can't contain his happiness over this when he invites Doggett into his office to tell him he is recommending he be promoted. Doggett respectfully tells him he will have to think about it. I think its interesting that through all that happens in this episode, it seems like Kersh is sitting in his office the entire time watching sunsets and sunrises and waiting for Doggett's final answer. Reminds me of my own boss. Anyway, Billy Miles body is found floating out at sea and is brought into a morgue where it is discovered that he is alive against all odds and logic. Skinner gets word of this and he and Doggett rush off to exhume Mulder and soon find out that Mulder is alive as well. Billy Miles is suddenly miraculously healed, Krycek shows up with a vaccine that supposedly can save Mulder but tries to get Skinner to kill Scully's baby in return (remember Krycek is controlling Skinner like a puppet with the nano heart attack robots in his bloodstream), and Doggett finds out from Absalom that he and Jeremiah Smith were healing the returned abductees to keep them from resurrecting as what we will later come to know as Super Soldiers. At this point they are simply alien replacements. Kind of like pod people. I love the scene where Billy's skin falls off as he showers. So gross! Skinner, unable to comply with Krycek's demands of killing Scully's baby, decides he has no other choice than to kill Mulder. So he takes him off life support but is caught by Doggett who chases Krycek but is unsuccessful in obtaining the vaccine. Inadvertently, Skinner saves Mulder by taking him off life support. Instead of turning into an alien, Mulder slowly revives through the treatment of antibiotics. Scully and everyone else sees it as just a fluke but as fans we all know that Mulder had already been treated with the vaccine that Krycek had way back in season 4. It was because of this that he was immune to the black oil and also that he was able to heal the old fashioned way here. The episode is very good. 9 out of 10.
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