Inspector Morse: The Dead of Jericho (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
Brilliant start to a wonderful series!
1 July 2009
Inspector Morse is just amazing, with complex characters, well outlined stories, and well-crafted scripts. The first episode The Dead of Jericho is just brilliant, you can't help cheering, when Morse arrives on screen in the Jaguar to Vivaldi's Gloria. I don't think Dead Of Jericho is the best Morse episode, but it definitely worth a watch, and I couldn't fault it really. I loved the soundtrack; when Morse is listening to Porgi Amor from Marriage of Figaro with a sad expression on his face, I just wanted to reach into the television and hug him. John Thaw is magnificent in the title role, maintaining that standard all the way through the series' run. Thaw adopted a more likable and sensitive character than his novelistic counterpart, and it is this portrayal that I do prefer. Kevin Whately also shines as Lewis, a young and quite charming character, who when compared to Morse couldn't be more different, and it is the characters' relationships toward each other that make the series so compelling. Also worth noting are contributions from the late Patrick Troughton as the blackmailing neighbour,Gemma Jones as the unfortunate Anne, James Laurenson as the "prime suspect" and the lovely Annie Lambert as his fiery wife. The script is well crafted, and there is an intriguing unpredictable storyline, and while it isn't faithful to the book, it is still an excellent episode. 10/10 Bethany Cox.
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