Review of Funny People

Funny People (2009)
Funny People is exactly what the title is
29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Judd Apatow's movie consists of many of the problems that go on between human relationships. There is a lot of lying followed by bitterness, cheating followed by jealousy, backstabbing followed by ridiculing, the list goes on. Within these conflicts comes the success in Funny People. Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann and most of the characters find themselves in uncomplicated situations that require complicated decisions to make.

Adam Sandler's character George Simmons has destroyed all of his relationships. He cheated on his lover and he abandoned his family. All he has left are fellow famous celebrities that he hangs with occasionally. With a terminal disease expected to take its course on him, it has become time to make sense of his life.

Ira Wright, formerly Ira Weiner, played by Seth Rogen, has a tough time connecting with people due to how reserved he is. He can't lock in a girl any better than he can lock in a crowd. They may want to like him, they'll even give him a few swings at the bat, but he usually ends up short. This issue keeps him from matching up to his two roommates, who though not completely successful, do have their run of good fortune.

After the two lead characters hook up when George hires Ira as an assistant, the rest of the story shows how one affects the other's relationships by their mere presence. George affects the turn of Ira's relationships with his roommates and possible girlfriend when he is invited to a Thanksgiving dinner. Ira influences the outcome of George's plans to rekindle with his beloved Laura. This all leads to a transforming of both men.

Funny People works as a comedy and as a lesson teacher. All of the characters fill their lives with mistakes. These mistakes give them the personalities that make them so comic and fun to watch. To top it off, Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann and Eric Bana are all charming in this movie. Adam Sandler is terrific as he always is in the heavy comedies he gets in. He should stick to these films.

Judd Apatow wins again. Go see this movie.
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