Loved It!!
26 June 2009
I loved this movie and Bryan Singer again brought some brilliant stuff to this movie!!I loved it so much!! I want to buy the DVD so badly!! The plot is excellent and I really enjoyed it!!! The budget was bigger, the cast got larger, the story got deeper and more fascinating, THE MOVIE WAS MORE EPIC!!!! I loved how the brotherhood teamed up with the X-Men and were fighting against Stryker, then after that problem was solved they fought...I think because I haven't watched it in a while. Anyways the movie was awesome.The ending, however was a little bit sad but it was good. And I knew from the first X-Movie(just like you) that Wolverine(Hugh Jackman) fell in love with Jean(Famke Janssen) because of the way he looked at her and she had a thing for him too even though she was with Scott(James Mardsen). 10/10, Highly recommend you watching if you haven't yet.
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