Who Do You Trust? (1956–1963)
I liked this version of "Who Do You Trust?"
25 June 2009
With the death of Ed McMahon at 86 a couple of days ago, I decided to get my DVD called "Here Is...The Johnny Carson Show" and watch the show that he and Carson first performed on: "Who Do You Trust?" Like Groucho on "You Bet Your Life", Johnny has a couple, usually married, ask either one their occupations and other things about their life, and then quizzes them with easy questions for about a certain amount of money. Carson is quite witty with his remarks and does a live commercial for Jell-O in which he mispronounces "cup" as "crup"! McMahon does not say his famous "Heeerrreee's Johnny!" when he introduces the host and they don't have much banter but even then you can see some chemistry that carried them when they both left for "The Tonight Show". So on that note, "Who Do You Trust?" that I just saw comes highly recommended. By the way, the Army man in the third couple featured was stationed in Shreveport in my home state of Louisiana.
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