I'm impressed!
23 June 2009
First off, I'm not a die hard LOTR fan. I enjoyed the trilogy and consider them a notch above most Fantasy films out there. I was surprised by all the positive reviews here about this little "Fan Film" online. I guessed they were all coming from the LOTR geeks out there who invade the web with positive reviews for anything with the word Gollum in it. In the first 30 seconds of watching this film I was instantly transported back to Peter Jackson's Middle Earth, I was shocked. In fact, I was so shocked that I couldn't really enjoy it the first time through because I was too confused by the quality of this film in all its aspects. The acting is great, the cast is great, the cinematography is great, the fight scenes are some of the best in the entire LOTR series, the pacing and attention to detail are at a level that has been lacking in Hollywood for some time. I've now watched this film 3 times and it seems to be getting better with each viewing. My only gripe with "The Hunt for Gollum" is that it ended so soon. I could have very well sat for another 2 hours watching this skilled director spin his web. Forget about Guillermo del Toro, hand "The Hobbit" over to Chris Bouchard. He is the only director out there who has proved himself worthy of the task.
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