Difficult to sum up such a film... but definitely worth a watch.
19 June 2009
Just finished watching this after finding out about it searching for some films to download on a DVD info site. Immediately piqued my interest. This author started being obsessive with all kinds of conspiracy theories about a year ago, and now starting to cool off a bit. Because of the chaotic nature of the sheer volume of information, I've not been active in the slightest, except sometimes in conversation. Previously I was completely ignorant - I didn't watch TV, I wasn't really aware of the 'alternative media' or conspiracy theories. I've never been a reader of newspapers. I heard some of my friends talking about David Icke YEARS ago, not in a positive way, had no idea who he was nor did I bother finding out. The same friend had mentioned about some book about the NASA moon landing being a hoax but then it didn't really interest me. Due to not taking notice of history or current affairs I wasn't aware of much, that's a consequence of my personal development, or lack of. I was super socialised, like most of the people in my place of Birth, England, and the UK. In 2007 I met a guy at the 'Sunrise' Festival, he was talking about money and banking - he gave me his myspace (called 'what is money and where does it come from') It had all the classic stuff, Aaron Russo, Gordon Maxwell. A few months later a slightly down-and-out and under confident Russian man in London gave me a DVD of Alex Jones (ENDGAME), and I another who had shown me early 911 documentaries. They didn't mean much. However Jones' film caught my attention and I started reading about eugenics - I got Edwin Black's seminal book 'War Against the Weak' in fact. I'd also come across his video for his book 'IBM and the Holocaust' in 2003 on guerrilla news network (.com). Eventually I threw myself into almost 24/7 reading on the internet, ordering books, watching videos, reading all kind of wacky websites - we all know they are all out there. Then eventually things started to gel and patterns started to emerge. I went to see Icke talk in Brixton in May 2008, and I pretty much fell for his spiel. I don't like him anymore but I OVERSTAND what it's about due to that process of investigation. We humans are very susceptible to suggestion, especially if we are looking for answers. In hindsight, I'm glad I went through those early stages, and later stages, and now, my knowledge is starting to galvanise, to crystallise. Icke is for sure right about some of the historical stuff he talks about, on a basic level, but the new age and paranormal can be a bit much for this material plane. So after a week or so of Icke - still utterly convinced that there were crazy unseen forces controlling humanity from within, I moved onto Alan Watt - he would be interesting to make a film about. I listened to hundreds of his podcasts over many many months and ended up extremely lacklustre, paranoid and obsessive. That guy (the best description I found on some forum was 'the thinking man's David Icke'.) is amazing in his endless knowledge and information. However he is profoundly manipulative with his conclusions. I believed it. I saw that he was using similar techniques to cult or new age religious leaders. However, some of the details he talks about, using unique language not like other 'truthers' are DEMONSTRABLY true, as he cites UN and other think tank and NGO documents, and papers and books by history's greatest movers and shakers in the Anglo American establishment. As a consequence I now have an enormous interest in history, the occult, psychology, political science and economics - and I know a great deal about them from a non-conventional perspective which I would never have had, had I not gone through this phase as a 'conspiracy theorist'.

This film here is mainly focusing on Jones, who I am constantly in two minds about but eventually, I think he's genuine.The interviews are sensitively done and are quite intimate. It's easy to see how a viewer could be drawn toward pity on their behalf. It's a shame because realistically, once one goes through the obsession of a 'theorist', some of the things you learn are completely and demonstrably true. It becomes obvious and this is a little worrying. Conversely also, the 'dominant reality' to which we subscribe is largely contrived. However the overall behaviour and tactics and psychology of the 'truther' are not compatible with those of us who live in the 'dominant reality'. I have TRULY discovered the meaning of Orwell's term 'doublethink' because I now DO it for the first time, on the daily. Does that make me schizophrenic? Not necessarily *phew* Explaining how I think is not easy at all, I've not learned to articulate the perpetual irreconcilability. All I can do is advise you, the reader to develop critical thinking and to not subscribe to the toxicity of the dominant reality nor to become a religious devotee of unsubstantiated paranoid delusions. It's a fine line. Great film, lets see more like it. Start learning and kNOWING instead of having your convictions inculcated into you through osmosis (mass media). Other information on these subjects can be found on a podcast debunking conspiracy theories available on iTunes/audio podcasts/history/'the conspiracy sceptic' and I also listened to an short LSE lecture (LSE website) by David Aaronovich about his book 'Voodo Histories'. I do recommend a few listens to Alan Watt at Cutting Through the Matrix (.com) - it's an amazing source of history but be careful with it. It's up to the individual and their philosophy if they have one whether the events are utterly manipulated, inevitable, chaotic, or a combination of all of them. For those who care and are smart they will develop a process of individuation, a philosophy and begin to see with eyes unclouded.
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