Pornographic Dracula
16 June 2009
It's a Dracula story, and it's directed by Shaun Costello; so naturally what we have here is a pornographic version of Dracula. The film is praised by some for having a script...but really it's just business as usual. Most of the movie is porn, and it's all just connected by a loose Dracula story. The porn scenes don't even fit in with the story for the most part. The plot is an altered version of the classic Dracula tale. The film begins by introducing us to the Count; and the woman he loves, a simple maid that he cannot marry because of the class-divide. Frustrated, he drags her from her bed and rapes her, but this leads to her suicide, which leaves Dracula cursed to walk the Earth as the undead for the rest of eternity. He then spends eternity having sex with various women. I can't say that the film is really very entertaining; the story doesn't exactly flow very well and the horror elements are lacklustre at best. But of course I went into this expecting porn and that's what I got. The porn scenes are decent enough; as mentioned they don't particularly fit in with the rest of the film, but that's pretty common when it comes to hardcore porn. Overall, this might be of some interest to porn/Costello fans...but Dracula fans would be better off looking elsewhere.
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