Review of Silver Strand

Silver Strand (1995 TV Movie)
Fine view of Navy Seals training. dopey romantic subplot...
16 June 2009
If it weren't for a goofball romantic subplot ala Top Gun, then this would rate double what I gave it.

The whole detailed presentation of a company going through Navy Seals training from day 1 to graduation is well-realized and it's what makes the film. Pretty much a realistic portrayal.

The subplot of an affair between a recruit and the wife of the Seals CO is just plain dumb and unnecessary except to satisfy the girls who are watching. Pretty much an unbelievable, unrealistic event that detracts from the rest of the show. Just as unbelievable is that this same recruit drops out of the program one minute before graduation. Yeah, right.

Also, the paunchy CO climbing the rope drill with ease is obviously done with some sort of elevator/lift device out of view, and is laughable.
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