A showcase for some great music.
10 June 2009
Anyone looking for a plot or decent script should write their own.

I saw this under the title "Good Morning England" in Paris last night and it reminded me somewhat of "Across the Universe" another film based on its fabulous sound track.

It is a Good Old Boys type of film with women delegated to minor paper thin caricatures of sex-starved sixties rock fans, devoid of motivation or depth. One particular scene is particularly yucky as it involves one of the main characters, an innocent, plotting to secretly rape a woman.

The pirate station resembled nothing of what was prevalent on the air waves in my teen years and the boat was far too heavily populated. But it was a great premise for a film and the cast looks as if it is having a ball. Philip Seymour Hoffman, always appearing as if he was one day overdue for a good hosing down, is marvellous, as is Bill Nighy - can any other actor do understated elegance like he can? - in the role of the Radio Station's owner, living, of course, on the ship. None of these characters have any domestic or home lives and we know next to nothing about them. Thin as onion skin characterizations. Emma Thompson is terrific (and uncredited) and barely recognizable in a key role, as is Kenneth Branagh overplaying an overblown heavy.

Go for the music only and suspend any expectation of a good story. The ending signals from two miles away but everyone is having such a rollicking good time that it is hard not to laugh and share their glee. Be sure to stay till after the credits have rolled.

7 out of 10, the sound track is a must buy.
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