Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
3 June 2009
I just got back from viewing this movie at my local theater. I never like to walk out on a movie but this tempted me so many times. I stayed until the end just so I could have the right to blast it on this site. THIS WAS THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE! It has horrible acting, horrible effects, a horrible plot, and was a horrible story. In the theater many people broke out in laughter, if they had marketed this movie as a comedy I may have enjoyed it more. It is reminiscent of a guitar player that thinks he is the king of the world but can't play a simple song without screwing up. Its painful to watch them show a movie that just constantly fails to produce any enjoyment or fright despite countless attempts to do so. Nothing in the story made sense and the "scary" parts may have scared a 5 year old in the eighties who had never seen a movie before in his life. Just think crappy computer graphics and a writer that must have been comatose while writing the movie. I cannot give specific examples of why this was so terrible with saying any spoilers and it would be hard to even think of this movie ever again, I'm posting this because I went to see it because it got positive reviews online and after hitting submit I hope never to think of this movie again. I caution whoever thinks he/she wants to see this movie to please avoid it at all costs, if you see it you will want to sue the director for the hour and a half of your life that you can not get back.
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