Actually, a pretty good, original movie
31 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I will usually watch any movie with Ron Perlman in it. His characters are generally bad with a sense of humor and his good characters are extremely well played. Also, I like John Malkovich because regardless of his part or the movie, he always puts on a great performance.

I am a big fan of horror and Sci-fi. I have read what others had to say, but I thought it was actually very good. What I find original is that a seal was put on this "enemy" and was unsealed due to war among corporations instead of nations. This seal was broken and unites the corporations, which is not original, but the part where the seal is broken and these mutant humans come out is a bit original.

All the people in it really put on great performances and I think that should count for something. The FX were not bad at all and the story flowed great. If people did not like the movie, I am sure they have their reasons, but I can't believe it was because of the acting or how the story flowed.

I thought it was a very upfront movie and explained itself. The one thing that I did not quite understand is who the "enemy" was, where they came. The movie tries to explain this in the beginning, but it did not explain it in a way that was sufficient enough to wonder if they came from the sky, why didn't more come after they were sealed. If it was a dying planet that came to Earth and started this, then it would be understandable. John Malkovich says that "they" will move to other planets and I felt that left the audience hanging. However, it could have been explained to but I missed it.

It is a lot like "Silence of the Lambs" in that you have to watch it a second time and they you find out more info. Every time I see SOTL, I always saw something that I missed the first time I saw it.

I liked the way they mixed war, humanity, faith all together. It made for a good entertaining movie. Some parts were predictable, but still a good movie and I would recommend it to anyone who is a horror/Sci-fi fan.
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