Monsters: Love Hurts (1989)
Season 2, Episode 5
Average episode saved by a gruesome twist ending.
31 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Monsters: Love Hurts starts in the Motor Division Department where Vince Waddle works as a lowly pen-pusher, he is frustrated with life being tied down married to Carla but his life changes when Julie (Olivia Brown) walks through the door & they instantly fall for each other. Vince has a wife & baby on the way so cannot commit to Julie but she is impatient & uses Black Magic to get what she wants. Julie uses ancient spells to get what she wants & make Vince hers forever, however her plan takes an unexpected & horrific turn for the worse for bother her & Vince...

Episode five from season two of Monsters this originally aired in the US during October 1989, directed by Manny Coto while watching the first fifteen or so minutes of Love Hurts I was getting ready to write a scathing review here on the IMDb & was thinking that it was right down there with the worst the series has to offer. But, & there is a but, then the last few minutes redeems the whole episode with a really good twist ending which is surprisingly gruesome which doesn't hurt. Every good twist ending needs an effective build up & while it is effective I suppose it's also quite boring & repetitive with some bad dialogue & little in the way of action or incident. At only twenty odd minutes at least it's short & as I said the ending is definitely worth the wait.

One aspect of Love Hurts which I found really annoying was the bad, bad acting & especially the accents. Seriously some of the Southern accents are just terrible & at times it's very hard to even understand what's being said with Olivia Brown the prime culprit. Love Hurts tries to mix a steamy romance with a bit of Fatal Attraction (1987) with some supernatural horror, Olivia Brown is seen in her underwear a lot & there's a funny scene in which she seduces Vince with an eye test chart making him spell the word 'THROB' out! The horror element is saved for the end which features some gory special make-up effects of a sliced up walking zombie missing some vital organs.

Love Hurts isn't really that good for the first fifteen minutes with a fairly boring if per functionary plot & some horrible accents but the last few minutes are worth the wait with a cool twist ending that is one of the more gruesome seen in the series.
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