Perverse pop drivel
30 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
You've had your spoiler warning, so leave now because I'm going to tell you the whole story in one sentence.

This is literally a story about a man who has to have a house fall on him to get a second opinion for a terminal disease diagnosis.

Turns out, he was never sick at all! The mysterious disease that at once was killing him and making him better looking throughout the movie turned out to be a complete sham. Much as this movie is a complete sham.

The rest of the plot is just junk piled on top of this false premise. Any rational conversation the movie was trying to have with the audience completely collapses when it is revealed that the whole movie is just a con job.

The music deserves special mention and scorn. Many of the 'big' emotional moments are simply montage shots with some faux-Celtic female folk singing playing while the main character looks out at a sunset or climbs underneath a bridge to retrieve childhood memories or maybe just stares at some stucco on the side of a house while the audience is left to its own.

This movie would have been an embarrassment for Hallmark on the Lifetime channel. I saw it for free on StarZ and want my money back!
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