I'm just crazy about that white fluffy stuff
30 May 2009
**SPOILERS** Another youth in trouble movie out of the Depression Era 1930's involving these two teenage girls who try to make it big in the Big Apple-NYC-as top flight fashion models.

Both Barbara "Babe" Webster and Clair Elliott already were on the outs with their very strict parents by going with their boyfriends Eddie & Bill to the anything goes Samoa Club. It's there, as the club's motto says, where the drinks are free-after you get too drunk to order them-and the women-looking to have a good time with the big spending customers- are easy. Getting into a minor fender bender in the club's parking lot Eddie got into a nasty and sissy-like slapping contest with the other drunk as a skunk driver who, being too drunk to see what he's doing, ended up slapping a policeman. This had Eddie together with Bill Babe & Clair be hauled into the police station on a charge of disorderly conduct.

Released from jail and Just about having it with her father's overbearing criticism of her care free lifestyle Babe together with the more then eager, who's parents are never home anyway, Clair check out of town-Glenhaven Ma-for the big city-New York. It's there where they expect to make in big in the world of high class fashion. It was at the Samoa Club where the girls met womens fashion bigwig Joe Gilman who offered them a job, as fashion models, at his NYC establishment.

It doesn't take long for Clair to realize that she's being use by Gilman as bate to get rich and famous man to be caught, on film, in compromising positions with her. It's after Clair tricked All-American collage football hero Jerry Girard to get his arms around her, after she faked having a fainting spell, that the jock is forced to pay up some $10,000.00 by Gilman. This is in order not to have the photo, secretly taken by one of Gilman's hoods, of Girard holding an out on her feet Clair printed in the newspapers. With him expecting to wed oil heiress Patricia Loring Girard can't afford to be caught with his pants down, in the arms of another woman, that would have his marriage to Pat called off and him end up playing semi-pro-football barley making enough money to pay his food and board! It's when Clair wanted a 50% cut in the Jerry Girard payoff money, a cool $5,000.00, that Gilman had her knocked off. Gilman did that by faking a car accident with Clair, getting hit from behind, helplessly behind the wheel!

Trying to pull the same blackmail stunt on rich Texas cattle baron Clint Houston Gilman had the totally innocent, of what he was planning to do with her, Babe trap and have photograph the befuddled Texan holding Babe in his arms. This if ever made public would not only have Clint's overfly jealous wife Rita not only divorce him but blow, with the ivory handle handgun Clint bought her as a wedding present, his brains out!

***SPOILERS*** Luckily for Babe her boyfriend newspaperman Jimmie Adams had Gilmans number all along. Jimmie together with Babe's dad, whom he contacted back in Mass, had Gilman set up in a way that even he never expected. With the help of NYPD Bunko Squad setting up the elaborate trap and catching Gilman with the goods,Clint's $10,000.00 payoff check, on his person!
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