Still No Riff Raff
19 May 2009
What can i say,Any time any discussion comes up relating to T.V drama i'm in quick as a flash with the Riff Raff. Still after all these years I've only met a few people that actually saw it. I've actually got 70% of it on Video tape but my signal was very iffy back then, so its a bit dodgy&wobbly in parts,and i missed a few episodes due to being on the move.I cant tell you how So so so happy i am to have what i have. It truly is amazing that the BBC haven't released it, criminal in fact.I've certainly not seen a TV comedy drama that comes anywhere close to the quality of this.Every single second is a joy,from the soundtrack to the last word.Each and every performance is first class.Excellent casting, and the writing is hilarious whist touching. I really couldn't get enough of it. If you haven't had the pleasure of watching the Riff Raff Element then i urge you to make noise to the BBC about it,and maybe just maybe they'll stop feeding us One more foot in the grave and all the other stuff they keep endlessly repeating and start to get into that archive of there's,surely we are entitled to watch some of the stuff again that only got one showing, don't let it all just sit there.Re issue Re air.Im absolutely sure that put on at 9pm on any given week day and it will get a huge response.It was ahead of its time, and its now how high time the BBC caught up. So come on Aunty......Sort it out. Give us back the Riff Raff,its not about how many people make a comment on hear but what they are saying and its all pretty obvious what we are saying.You simply can't justify why you haven't.So come on..... Lets be avin it put it back on.ASAP We ve all waited long enough,and to those who haven't seen it,Take it from me.......your being robbed out.........Please
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