In the Blood (2006)
In the Bloody Mess this is
18 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
All the way through 'In the Blood' I kept thinking, "well, the production value, acting and eye candy isn't that bad. I've seen a lot worse, especially from gay-themed and/or independent films." Unfortunately everything else, sucked: from wooden/clichéd dialogue, a university campus that's apparently small enough for people to find each other in seconds and such an incredibly laugh-out-loud premise – a family passes on a psychic trait only exhibited through sexual energy and causes nose bleeds. If you can make it through all that, regrettably the worst is yet to come: the most hideous, outrageously bad ending with some twists to try and save this mess. They don't work. I give them an extra half a star just for a cast and crew that at least attempts to be interested the material they're given. Some male is sexually assaulting blond-haired women (you Nazi!) and the Dean is concerned as is maybe 1 of a thousand students. Meanwhile we have a (maybe) closeted-gay senior who has to deal with his sexuality, visions of blondes and blood and nose-bleeds. Double meanwhile, we have his equally horny friend who fancies his sister. Triple meanwhile, we have a male hooker with a mean-streak. Quadruple meanwhile, a long-lost Aunt returns to set the closeted gay straight, well, sort of. I'm sure there are more subplots, but I guess it's supposed to be about a mysterious murdering rapist while accepting one's sexuality identity. However, we learn the main possible-gay character only, finally, explores this gay-side to get to sexual satisfaction to crack the case he's barely shown any interest in the first place. It's almost like a straight man in prison agreeing to sex in order for either protection/survival, not because he actually desires it. Stay away, and remember, sex with a hooker and blood should never mix.
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