A delightful, well acted and directed comedy short.
16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A very funny short. Acting is superior for an indie, especially for a short. This film has won awards at several festivals. A little gem.

The plot is interesting. A man whose brother kind of leaves his identity behind and becomes someone else when he gets his heartbroken. This particular time, he is "Christopher Walken". Playing the brother who is unlucky in love is Andrew Bowen, he has a long list of TV shows, one being MAD TV where he does a lot of impressions. Christopher Walken is one of them.

Also starring are Daniel Goodard (Benny), the long suffering brother. Melanie Hawkins (a damsel in distress), a girl Benny meets at the hospital. And as her grandmother that the filmmaker (Jeremy Peck) describes as deprived. Oh and then there's Lola, she gets broken out of "jail".

Worth your time.
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