Horrific? Yes. A horrific waste of time...
17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Speechless... No... Let me gather my thoughts.... This was one of the worst films I've ever wasted my time on. My journey towards this film started with the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, I then watched the original which was worse, and then this. I was told by a friend it was pretty horrific and then after reading the same on here I thought twice about watching. I didn't really want to watch "the most disturbing film I've ever seen" as one reviewer called it, but I thought I'd watch it with a cultural viewpoint and braced myself.

Two girls, Mari and Phyllis, set out from their suburban countryside home to travel to New York to see the band Blood Lust in concert. It's all very coming of age, hippyish, and lovely. Mari talks about her breasts getting fuller, she feels like a women. Great stuff... Here I guess Craven is trying to set the mood of innocence but instead what we get is an incredibly boring and annoying first 30mins flicking between the two girls and Mari's parents at home, some really f**king cringey irritating dross. What really ruined this for me is the Music. The soundtrack to this film was absolutely dreadful. We then get Mari and Phyllis arriving in NY were they decide they want to buy some weed and quickly get taken hostage by three deadly rapist murders and their moronic female accomplice. They are taunted, threatened with knives, knocked around, and then stuffed into the boat of a car, all the while to the most abysmal inappropriately placed slapstick comedy music ever. The film continues in the same manner.

There were so many awful scenes I can't go thru them all, but one that really stood out is where they are in the woods and Phyllis tries to escape. She has a chance to leg it, and instead of running across the road to what happens to be Mari's parents house she runs in the opposite direction deeper into the forest!! We even have a frame where a road is clearly visible but instead of running for it she runs towards the river!!! All the while cutting back and forth between the girl's attempt to escape and the two bumping idiots, the Laurel and Hardy of the police force, the two most annoying cops ever to grace the silver screen, as they realise they've missed the chance to catch the murderers in some really pathetic comedic scenes. I don't know what Craven was aiming for here. It is beyond me. Is he trying to make us laugh, lighten up the mood? You sicko. I think the scenes with the cops are genuinely supposed to be funny, but they're not, they're just more crap layered on top of the crap we've already been given. I am talking about the scene with the chicken woman here... I could go on, there are so many idiotic lame scenes but I don't want to waste any more of my time.

The whole thing is like a farce. I don't know if it is based on a true story as it claims at the beginning, I can not really be bothered to find out now. I don't want to waste any more of my life on this piece of s**t. If it is then shame on you Wes Craven, if it isn't then you should have spent longer on the script.

The acting is appalling. Worse than Tromo, and they're not even trying to act seriously. Watch Phyllis as she Ohhs and Ahhs as her friend is cut up and raped.

This violence in this film is not horrific, not by today's standards. I'm sure it probably was by early 70s standards but not by today's. Disturbing? No, we've seen worse. Horrifying? Yes, horrifying that anyone could call it a good movie. The beginning was dreadful, the middle was dreadful, and the end was dreadful. Clockwork Orange it ain't. Thanks
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