A Touch of Frost (1992–2010)
Another English treasure trove of acting
13 May 2009
Where do they come from? After 35 years of British films and TV series, I continue to be astounded by the seemingly endless stream of outstanding actors(both sexes). I discovered "Touch of Frost" while searching Netflix for new detective series'.

What I found was this rumpled little guy who was absolutely riveting, not through histrionics, but by becoming the character he portrayed. I would not have been surprised if they announced that Frost was a real person. There is one scene in the first episode in which you find yourself holding your breath as he quietly, matter-of-fact, bares his soul. It happens without warning, but with the realism of a half-finished drink in a dimly-lit bar.

Now we have many more episodes to share, enjoy and discuss. Jason, and the entire cast, and particularly the writers, are to be applauded.
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