Decent standalone sequel
6 May 2009
The Witchcraft series is one of the longest running film series of all-time. Being an erotic-horror series, it would be fairly easy to make these film standalone with only the same theme. Surprisingly, the series actually does have a central reoccurring character - Will Spanner, an attorney who happened to have been born into a family of witchcraft. Beginning with Witchcraft 2, Will became the series central character, and for three films in a row, was even played by the same actor.

However, Will isn't so much as even mentioned in this entry. In fact, the entire storyline from the previous seven films has been wiped out.

Filmed over a span of just ten days in 1994, Salem's Ghost ended up becoming an entry of the Witchcraft series as a result of poor performance. Rumors of a possible spin-off series based around Salem's Ghost had been planned, but never brought to life.

The film, which is a semi-remake of the original Witchcraft, revolves around a young couple moving into a centuries-old mansion in Salem. From the start, however, it's apparent that something is not normal in their new home. Sonny, the husband, has bizarre visions that lead him down to a hidden room in their basement. This room holds the spirit of an evil warlock who was buried under the house. When their bumbling neighbor steals a cross from the tomb, the warlock is unleashed, and begins a violent reign of terrorizing Sonny's wife.

For a movie shot in just ten days, Witchcraft VIII: Salem's Ghost is quite good. Being an erotic horror film, there of course are long sex scenes, but they're well shot and interesting. The acting for the most part is quite good, with Jack Van Landingham giving quite an over-the-top performance as Simon Winfrough, the warlock. Special effects are below standard, but they're used sparingly, and it doesn't become a problem. Those with a sharp eye may spot the Stockton house from the original movie located across the street from the Dunaway house.
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