Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
My Name is James Tiberius Kirk
6 May 2009
I just came back from a very advanced screening here in the U.K. and man was I blown away, now let set a few things straight right away, I am not a star trek fan, honestly before today had very little idea of what the whole deal was and the only line I really knew was "Beam me up, Scotty" (they don't use this line in the film), The film starts as I was explained by a very enthusiastic Trekkie, in the beginning before the whole star trek universe had started, so I guess thats a good thing for someone not very attune with the whole concept. Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine were both amazing as Spock and Kirk. I thought Pine did a really good job as Kirk but since I don't know what Shatner was like, I cant really comment if he was better. Now one good thing JJ Abrams has done is that he has put up a lot of comedy in the film, thus even though its supposed to be serious stuff going on the comedic edge keeps things fun. Simon Pegg as Scott was brilliant. This review wont be complete without mentioning the top notch CGI, the graphics were amazing, they made the whole affair a pleasant feast for the eyes. Now I have heard that a lot of die hard Trekkie's don't like this film on some grounds, I don't really know what they are but I felt that is a must watch after an amazing Wolverine this just puts more fun in this years whole summer movie showdown.
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