Dream Boy (2008)
After-school-special for gay teens ends with clichéd, homophobia
24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If only I were a teen today, I'd be all over this mess of a gay romance fantasy thriller. The two leads are to-die-for cute, and the tons of romantic eyes, passionate looks, making out, and simulated sex almost make up for their somewhat stiff acting and the stilted direction. It's a queer Tiger-beat delight! With some social service messages about repressed, incestuous hypocritical Christian fundamentalist fathers, homophobic teen friends (all this stems, of course, from repressed homosexual desires and jealousy), until the last act it seems a wholesome, sexy fun, more thrilling for it's gay romantic idyll, than believability or gripping plot.

Unfortunately, in act four the plot takes a turn for the worse, morphs into southern Gothic supernatural thriller, and enacts classic homophobia: gay love can't be show without being punished horribly, in this case with rape and murder. Topping this off with a ghostly eternal love ending is the kind of red dye number 2 maraschino cherry only a teen could possibly swallow -- and it still wouldn't be good for him.

I encourage those video savants out there to edit this down to a festive mix of the romance, love, and bootie scenes, preferably as background for parties and gay bars.
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