Friends: The One with the Cooking Class (2002)
Season 8, Episode 21
Joey knows how to make a cookie better then Monica!
23 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ross talks to the Friends that Monica's restaurant got a horrible review in the Post, and he buys all the newspapers from the block to make nobody knows about it. Monica sees the newspapers and stays upset with the review. She wants the writer of the review to taste her food again to change his opinion about it. She finds him in a cooking course and gives him her food for him to try one more time, but he continues to have the same opinion about her food.

Monica and Joey decide to watch and participate the cooking course, but Monica doesn't like when Joey gets better compliments then her in the cookies.

Rachel is worried that her baby is coming in one week and they still don't have a lot of important baby accessories. She wakes up in the middle of the night worried, and Ross promises her that the next day they are going to buy everything they need. In the next day, they go to a store to buy the things they need, but the seller starts to hit on Ross, making Rachel very uncomfortable. When Rachel talks to Phoebe about the seller's attitude, Phoebe tells Rachel that she thinks she is jealous.

Chandler is looking for a new job and has new interviews to go. He is anxious and Phoebe lets him even more anxious when she says that the first impression people has from him is terrible. Even so, Phoebe decides to help him to have success in the interview.
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