Adventureland (2009)
20 April 2009
I've seen plenty of ppl go over why this movie wasn't good, but I'm just so bothered by all the ppl who loved it that I had to add my opinion in.

I'd like to start by saying that this movie is nothing like the classic Superbad. Only thing in common is the Greg Motolla the director, Bill Hader, and Jesse Eisenberg acting just like Michael Cera. Almost too much like him. I can't figure out how he was getting that much action. Weird.

The movie is not funny. No laughs, just one or two chuckles. Very misleading. Just like Nick and Norah. Boring. An hour and a half that felt like three hours. No suspense or wondering because you can see exactly what is about to happen. Dumb cop-out ending. And they were at an amusement park. That seemed like a cool concept, but nothing was really done with it. Ryan Reynolds I think was also a little out of place. Not bad acting, just not him maybe. There were even scenes when peoples hair was different between shots. This is a B movie at best. Which is not a bad thing, but it doesn't live up to the hype behind Superbad or any other teen film we've seen lately. Don't bother with it. Wait for Funny People with Sandler and Rogen to come out, or go see I Love You Man.

By the way, why the hell do ppl think that Superbad takes place in the 80s???? Did they have Nextel phones or porn sites back then?? Plz pay attention when you watch a movie you guys.
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