In loving memory
20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Since the creator, Marc Cherry, had to cut down the expenses of 'his' (more or less) show he decided to kill one of the main characters on Visteria Lane. He decided that the one person who had to go, was the character that perpetually shocked it's viewers for the past 5 years and the one character he felt that could surprise no one any more.

Unfortunately, I don't agree with Marc Cherry. I always considered the bitter, juicy and delicious comments of his character, Eddie Britt, to be one of the main things I would watch this show every week. When Marc Cherry created the character of Eddie, he created more than just a twice-divorced-and-still-full-of-live-next-door-vamp - he created an icon I think a lot of people (not only women) can identify with. As a guy, this is my opinion - I hope I'm not being sexist.

Because Eddie was this character that everybody either loved or hated and because they wanted for people and viewers not to see that she had been fired, it was decided that Eddie should be the narrator for this episode. It was also decided that the entire episode should be dedicated to her, so that people who saw only the neighbor whore, would see the full strength of Eddie. She is being portrayed, one last time, as a witty, courageous and cordial person. I believe that Marc Cherry always did that - show that it's OK for a woman to speak her mind and be open about her sex life (or even lack of it).

I can't go on and state that it was either wrong or right to take Nicolette Sheridan out of the show. I can't imagine the show without those gals, especially without the sometimes bitchy lines of Gaby (Eva Longoria Parker) or Eddie. However, I really wish Eddie hadn't died. The episode was dedicated fully to Eddie's character and was completed with an interesting 'funeral' and a typical ending narration.

I truly hope Nicolette Sheridan will return (even as a guest star) on the show in the future and that Mac Cherry won't need to kill off one of his characters ever again.
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